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This year has been quite a difficult year for the Leeds Chinese Community Association (LCCA) because of financial and staffing difficulties. However, after a lot of discussions and hard work, LCCA has successfully undergone a management re-structurewith a new Management Board. It was decided that two presentative from each of the 8 Chinese community groups would join the new LCCA Board. On the 16th May 2006, at the Leeds Chinese Community Association Centre (LCCAC), the Memorandum of Association and Articles were amended.

LCCA now consists of 8 individual Chinese community organisations, namely:

  • Leeds Wah Kwong Chinese Association
  • Leeds Chinese Women's Group
  • Leeds Chinese Community School
  • Leeds Chinese Mandarin Community School
  • Leeds Chinese Students and Scholars Association
  • Chinese Christian Church
  • Yuk Ming Hin Operatic Society
  • Leeds Chinese Social Group

This year, LCCA continues to facilitiate the elderly Chinese Luncheon Club which was run by the Leeds Chinese Women's Group in the Leeds Chinese Community Centre (LCCAC). These regular outings give our elders an opportunity to socialise and have thoroughly enjoyable afternoons. We hope that it will prevent social hisolation and promote their health and wellbeing. The LCCAC is also the focal point and an alternate base for the Leeds Chinese Community School and Yuk Ming Hin Chinese Operatic Society. They come here to practise singing, dancing and playing instruments. It is so important that we can continue to provide the community a base in which they can carry on with our much valued arts, culture and tradition, which we are all justly very proud of.

The LCCAC has also welcomed the visiting party headed by the President, Mr. Gary M. H. Li from the Confederation of Chinese Association U.K. this year. It is the aim of LCCA to work and communicate closely with other Chinese communities in this country and abroad to promote the welfare of the Chinese population.

Last summer, four of our eight membership organisations also received support from the Local Network Fund through LCCA to organise summer trips which benefited a large number of people, from the very young to the older generation. From their reports, they all had a lovely time and felt that these trips had enhanced their life experience.

With limited resources and support from Arts @ Leeds, we are organising a Chinese New Year Charity Dinner event to celebrate and to raise funds. This year, LCCA has not received any more direct funding from Leeds City Council apart from a one off emergency payment at the beginning of the year. It is due to the hard work and dedication of all the volunteers and membership organisations that LCCA continues to function and be albe to look forward to future plans. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the peopel who have spent almost all of their spare time, and some of them also contributed financially to help LCCA in these difficult times.

LCCA will strive to further develop the use of the LCCAC to encourge more community involvement. We plan to organise more fund raising activities and will continue to work with the Chinese community, Leeds City Council and all interested parties towards a harmonious multi-cultural society. I hope that if we all work together, we will stride forward successfully for many years to come.


ALEX T. W. Kong

Chairman LCCA



因为财政上的困难, 今年是利兹华人协会比较艰难的一年。然而,在大家共同探讨和努力之后,利兹华人协会成功地进行了管理改造,并成立了新的管理委员会。2006年5月16日,在本会会所-利兹华人社区中心,我们修订了利兹华人协会宪章及其有关公司文件。


  • 利兹华光社
  • 利兹华人妇女会
  • 利兹中文学校
  • 利兹普通话中文学校
  • 利兹中国学生学者联谊会
  • 利兹华人基督教会
  • 利兹钰鸣轩曲艺社
  • 利兹华人社区活动中心







